Livia Marinescu

I am a visual artist and poet working with collage, photography and installation art.
I am interested in the interplay between the material and the spiritual, in their points of contact and divergence. In my works, I am influenced by abstract expressionism and Jungian psychology.

For me, collage is about transformation, it is a process of inner archeology that reveals the power and possibility to create from what you find or have, from anything that you received, or that has come your way. More than a technique, collage is a way of asking questions about proximity and the way in which we create meaning.

As I work with different materials and textures, I like to synthesize and encode my memories and dreams. I explore the themes of liminality, the stages of inner transformation, personal and collective memory, and I seek to create works that evoke the poetic texture of reality.

Galerie Artist

Expoziția Collage Festival 2024
va rămâne deschisă publicului până la data de 27 noiembrie 2024

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